Welcome to Earth's Palate Farm
The farm is nestled on 40 acres which include 4 greenhouses with a small plot of field production for heirloom vegetables and honeybees during the summer months. Tender greens and vegetables are grown year-round in the greenhouses. In addition to the produce, we raise 100 egg layers (chicken) who forage on fresh grass, meat birds on pasture and heritage pork that like to root around in the open elements. We have embraced the concepts of regenerative agriculture at the onset of beginning our farm.
Earth's Palate Farm CSA
Let this time bring us closer together as a community of friends and neighbors. As farmers we are bred to stoke confidence and resilience. It's important to know - more than ever - where your food comes from.
For all of our friends and neighbors who did not sign up for a CSA share no worries! You can continue to the "Shop the Box" page to place your order for this Saturday.
Please, sign up For Our Weekly Newsletter to be in the know what crops are up.
Pick up will be on Saturdays from 10-1. Please scroll down for more details.
New for 2024! "Farm Bucks" click below for more information!
With Gratitude and Blessings,
Earth's Palate Farm
Renee Giroux & Kevin MacPherson
in the news
weekend market details
Please choose what you would like to purchase this week on our "Shop The Box" page no later than:
9:00 Friday morning.
We harvest fresh to order Friday afternoon and have everyone's bags ready for
pick up on Saturday.
Earth's Palate Farm at
66 Town Hill Road, Warren
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to text us at 203-206-5459 or email us at earthspalatefarm@gmail.com
Don't Forget your reusable bags!